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Hardhat task list

Paima Hardhat tasks allow easily interacting with the Paima contracts through the CLI or other external tools.

To use the Paima Hardhat tasks, follow these steps:

  1. Install Hardhat (and all required peer dependencies) to your project.
  2. Add import @paima/evm-contracts/plugin to the top of your hardhat.config.ts file
  3. Run npx hardhat paima to see a list of all utilities provided

These are all the hardhat tasks available for the scope paima.

You can call each of these tasks using npx hardhat paima task_name

Task list


Sets the fee of a Paima L2 contract


  • contract (optional, string) : The contracts's address
  • fee (optional, string) : The new fee (wei)


Sets the owner of a Paima L2 contract


  • contract (optional, string) : The contracts's address
  • owner (optional, string) : The new owner address


Withdraws funds out of the Paima L2 contract


  • contract (optional, string) : The contracts's address


Submit data to the Paima L2 contract


  • contract (optional, string) : The contracts's address
  • data (optional, string) : The data to submit either hex-encoded (0x...) or Paima concise-encoded


Gets data recently submitted to the Paima L2 contract


  • contract (optional, string) : The contracts's address
  • data (optional, string) : The data to submit in hex-encoded for (0x...)
  • range (optional, int) : How far back to get events (default: look back 1000 blocks from tip)