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Generating Code

Once you've configured all the contracts for your project, typically the next step is to generate bindings for them for your contract.

Option 1) Raw ABI​

This option is best if you're trying to use a code generation we don't have documentation for.

Although @paima/evm-contracts comes with ABIs built-in for the Paima smart contracts, generally you only want to generate code for the subset of the Paima contracts you use and then mix in the ABI for any other contract you included in your app.

To achieve this, Paima's templates include a hardhat config with the hardhat-abi-exporter plugin to generate the ABI files (and typescript wrappers as a work around to this issue) at the root of your project inside ./contracts/evm/abi.

Option 2) Viem​

Leveraging the ABIs for your contracts generated for you by Paima's hardhat setup, you can use Viem with your project easily

First, expose the ABI folder in your tsconfig.json for any workspace where you need to use it

"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"@abi/*": ["../contracts/evm/abi/*"]

Then, import the ABI into your project

import nativeNftSaleAbi from "@abi/@paima/evm-contracts/contracts/NativeNftSale.sol/NativeNftSale";
import { createPublicClient, createWalletClient, custom, http } from "viem";
import type { PublicClient, WalletClient } from "viem";
import { WalletMode, WalletModeMap } from "@paima/sdk/providers";

const viemChain =
function getClient(): PublicClient {
return createPublicClient({
chain: viemChain,
transport: http(),
function getWallet(account: string): WalletClient {
return createWalletClient({
account: account as `0x${string}`,
chain: viemChain,
transport: custom(

async function buyNft() {
const userAddress = "..."; // get this from Paima.userWalletLogin
const nftSaleProxyAddress = "..."; // you can get this from your deployed_addresses.json
const { request } = await getClient().simulateContract({
account: userAddress as `0x${string}`,
address: nftSaleProxyAddress as `0x${string}`,
abi: nativeNftSaleAbi,
functionName: "buyNft",
gas: 800000n, // set as needed
value: accountNftPrice, // set the price of your NFT
args: [
account as `0x${string}`,
"" // put the initialization data for your ERC721 mint CDE here
const txHash = await getWallet(account).writeContract(request);
return txHash;

Option 3) Ethers / Typechain​

Inside your hardhat.config.ts, add the following in the config:

typechain: {
outDir: './contracts/evm/typechain-types',
target: 'ethers-v6',
alwaysGenerateOverloads: false,

Then, include the generated files into the tsconfig.json of any workspace where you want to use the typechain files

"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"@typechain/*": [
"include": [

Now you can use the generated typechain code directly from your application

import {
} from "@typechain/index";
import type { WalletMode } from "@paima/providers";
import { WalletModeMap } from "@paima/providers";
import { BrowserProvider, JsonRpcProvider } from "ethers";
import type { JsonRpcSigner } from "ethers";

const getWalletClient = (_account: string): BrowserProvider => {
const provider = new BrowserProvider(
return provider;
const getPublicClient = (): JsonRpcProvider => {
return new JsonRpcProvider(
CHAIN_URI // comes from your env file
export const getProvider = (account?: string): SignerProvider => {
if (account) {
return getWalletClient(account);
return getPublicClient();
export const getSigner = async (account: string): Promise<JsonRpcSigner> => {
return await getWalletClient(account).getSigner();

export const NftContract = async (account: string) => {
const signer = await getSigner(account);
return AnnotatedMintNft__factory.connect(
NFT, // comes from your env file