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Writing L2 Data

Concise Builder

Now that you've defined you grammar in the previous section, you can programmatically interact with it.

  1. Generate the data to submit
import { builder } from '@paima/sdk/concise';

const conciseBuilder = builder.initialize();
//createdLobby = c|numOfRounds|isPractice?
{ value: numberOfRounds.toString(10) },
{ value: isPractice ? 'T' : '' },
  1. Submit the data onchain
import {
} from '@paima/sdk/mw-core';

const response = await postConciseData(,
errorFxn // See other section in the documentation on error handling
if (!response.success) return response;
  1. (optional) wait for the transaction to success
// wait for the block to appear on-chain and do any error handling
// ex: if state changed between when the user made a tx and the tx getting included in a block
await awaitBlock(response.blockHeight);

Writing data from an external source

(Hardhat) Submit Paima Game Input

Paima comes with a Hardhat plugin as part of @paima/evm-contracts for this.

To use it, make sure you have import @paima/evm-contracts/plugin at the top of your hardhat.config.ts

The Paima hardhat plugin comes with many utility such as PaimaL2Contract:submitGameInput to post game inputs to the contract (calling the paimaSubmitGameInput method on L2 contract).

  • Interactive prompts: npx hardhat paima PaimaL2Contract:submitGameInput
  • Command line parameters: npx hardhat paima PaimaL2Contract:submitGameInput --contract 0x5fbdb2315678afecb367f032d93f642f64180aa3 --data "j|*Xs6Q9GAqZVwe"