
Data Migrations

Data Migrations allow game developers to add data to the database e.g., World Setup, NPC, Items, and other system tables.

IMPORTANT: You should never add data to the database manually. It should be done only through state-transitions and data migrations.

Data Migrations are applied at a specific block-height. The file name indicates the OFFSET from the START_BLOCKHEIGHT (defined in the .env file - see here).

File structure:

| --- paima-engine-{linux|macos}
| --- packaged
| --- endpoints.cjs
| --- gameCode.cjs
| --- migrations
| --- 1000.sql
| --- 5500.sql

1000.sql will be applied at block-height START_BLOCKHEIGHT + 1000.
5500.sql will be applied at block-height START_BLOCKHEIGHT + 5500.
Both will be applied before any other inputs are processed for that block-height.

The *.sql files are PGSQL scripts. SQL scripts are automatically ran as transactions (no need for BEGIN and END), and if they fail the block-process-loop will stop and the script must be fixed and will be reapplied.

1000.sql example:

INSERT INTO items (name) VALUES ('potion') ;
INSERT INTO items (name) VALUES ('book') ;

Important: migrations are included as part of your packaged node when you run npm run pack. That means that you must re-run npm run pack to have any changes you make to your migrations have any effect.