
Effect on Interfaces

Enabling wallet delegation has implications on the interfaces of multiple different parts of your application.

Meta Primitive

The user must (using a concise command) send a transaction to delegate their wallet address to another wallet address

Wallet delegation provides the following meta primitives:

    delegate            =   &wd|from?|to?|from_signature|to_signature
migrate = &wm|from?|to?|from_signature|to_signature
cancelDelegations = &wc|to?


STF data is slightly changed:

  • userAddress: contains the main wallet address.
  • realAddress: contains the real wallet address that sent the transaction.
  • userId: contains the user id, which is the same for all wallets of the same user.

userAddress and realAddress will be the same for the main wallet or if there are no delegations.

Indexer Database

There are 2 tables tracked in the indexer to manage delegations:

  • addresses: (always present) maps a unique user id to each wallet address.
  • delegations: (new for delegations) maps delegated wallet addresses using IDs from the addresses table.


There are multiple files part of @paima/sdk/mw-core to help integrate wallet delegation

Connect two wallets

This function delegates from your main wallet to your burner wallet

When delegating, you must sign the following message template in 2 steps: once for each key (from key & to key):

  • The previous plaintext message can be generated with the builtin helper: WalletConnectHelper.buildMessageToSign(other-address-lowercase)
  • other-address-lowercase: the address not signing this step
  • Note: the address signing for a given step is not explicitly added since its address & signature are implicitly part of the transaction
function walletConnect(
// If from/to are null
// they gets replaced by the wallet that sends (or signs if using the batcher) the tx
from: string | null,
to: string | null,
from_signature: string,
to_signature: string
): Promise<SuccessfulResult<PostDataResponse> | FailedResult>

Cancel delegation

This function removes any current delegation to the sender address. If to is an empty string, it will remove all delegations. If to is a valid address, it will remove the delegation to that single address.

function walletConnectCancelDelegations(
to: string
): Promise<SuccessfulResult<PostDataResponse> | FailedResult>

Migrate wallet

This function migrates the address from to to.

function walletConnectMigrate(
// null gets replaced by the wallet that signs the tx
from: string | null,
to: string | null,
from_signature: string,
to_signature: string
): Promise<SuccessfulResult<PostDataResponse> | FailedResult>


The WalletConnectHelper class contains helper functions to sign with injected or generate the message for local wallets:

  1. buildMessageToSign to generate the correct concise notation to sign for an action
  2. connectExternalWalletAndSign to connect an external wallet and delegate from it at the same time.