
Error Handling

Errors are unavoidable. Notably, be sure to take into accounts the following error types:

  1. Programming mistakes
  2. Concurrency issues. Blockchains are asynchronous and so an action that was valid when the user took it may no longer be valid when it appears on-chain. For example, a user could try joining a lobby that no longer exists.
  3. User abuse. Just because your application has no UI for something, it doesn't stop somebody from creating a transaction and submitting it to the blockchain manually. For example, a user could try joining the same lobby two times on the same wallet to see if it breaks your application

To handle errors, Paima has a system to allow define error codes for your application that extend the built-in error handling in Paima

import type { ErrorMessageFxn } from '@paima/sdk/utils';
import { buildErrorCodeTranslator } from '@paima/sdk/utils';
import type { EndpointErrorFxn } from '@paima/sdk/mw-core';
import {
} from '@paima/sdk/mw-core';

export const enum MiddlewareErrorCode {
// start your error codes after the reserved namespace for Paima Engine's internal system

type ErrorMessageMapping = Record<MiddlewareErrorCode, string>;
const MIDDLEWARE_ERROR_MESSAGES: ErrorMessageMapping = {
[MiddlewareErrorCode.GENERIC_ERROR]: 'Unspecified generic Game error',
[MiddlewareErrorCode.CANNOT_JOIN_OWN_LOBBY]: 'Cannot join your own lobby',

const errorMessageFxn: ErrorMessageFxn = buildErrorCodeTranslator({

export function buildEndpointErrorFxn(endpointName: string): EndpointErrorFxn {
return buildAbstractEndpointErrorFxn(errorMessageFxn, endpointName);

Now, when you need to throw an error, you can easily handle them as seen below

const errorFxn = buildEndpointErrorFxn('joinLobby');

if (userJoinedOwnLobby(lobby, userId)) {
return errorFxn(MiddlewareErrorCode.CANNOT_JOIN_OWN_LOBBY);