Avail Parallel funnel
Note that there are two Avail funnels:
- Avail block funnel for when Avail is the main chain for your app
- Avail parallel funnel for when a different chain is the main chain for your app, and you sync Avail in parallel for extra data
You can learn more about the concept of parallel funnels here
type: avail-other
lightClient: 'http://localhost:7007'
rpc: ws://
delay: 60
funnelBlockGroupSize: 100
genesisHash: "0xdd60847daa1119ecc9bdd006b140087737ac03d260ce110ecd7cb33cf721be35"
This funnel has the following steps:
- Use the Avail light client API to get submitted data in a certain block range.
- Fetch the headers for the blocks that have data. Use this to build a deterministic mapping from blocks from this chain to the main chain.
- Fetch the latest block the light client has processed.
- Merge the submitted data with the one coming from the base funnel by appending to it.
Here is a visual representation of the flow:
Finding parallel chain blocks
We achieve this in 2 steps:
1) Find key blocks during startup with binary search
When booting up Paima engine we need to know what's the earliest parallel chain block whose events might be included in the next main chain block we have to sync.
Syncing blocks one-by-one until we find these points would be too slow. To solve this, we instead use binary search to find and cache this block on boot.
Fig: A binary search looking for the block with a timestamp of 4
2) Fetching blocks in chunks
We fetch parallel chain blocks in chunks of funnelBlockGroupSize. We keep doing this until we have a block with a timestamp greater than the latest one we've seen from the main chain. This allows us to know how to map the parallel chain block number of any event we find to the right block in the main chain.