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Pool Delegation


- name: "Cardano Stake Delegation"
type: cardano-stake-delegation
- "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"
- "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002"
startSlot: 32815320
stopSlot: 32815924
scheduledPrefix: cd
network: CardanoNetworkConfigEntryName


  • startSlot is required and means that only delegation events after that slot (exclusive) will be considered.
  • stopSlot is optional, and it stops the indexing at that point for that pool.
  • pools is a list of pool credentials to keep track of.

Paima Concise format​

The scheduled input for each event is of the following form.



  • prefix is the scheduledPrefix specified in the config file,
  • address is the stake credential of the address in CBOR.
  • pool if the event is a delegation event, this is the pool. If the staking key is deregistered, or delegated to a pool outside the indexed ones, this will be null.

Utility functions​

getCardanoAddressDelegation can be used to get the current pool (if any). It must be called with the stake credential of the address. The result of this call will be null if the address didn't delegate to any of the indexed pools. Otherwise, events will be one of:

User changed delegation this epoch: A sorted array with two entries. First entry is their last delegation before the current epoch, and the 2nd entry is for currentEpoch.

User hasn't changed delegation this epoch: An array with a single entry representing the last delegation.

User first-time delegation: An array with a single entry representing when they first delegated. Note that it's possible for epoch to be currentEpoch.

For a particular entry in the array, pool will be null when: first, the stake is delegated to a pool in the configuration. Then the stake gets re-delegated to a non-indexed pool, or the stake key is deregistered.

export declare function getCardanoAddressDelegation(
readonlyDBConn: Pool,
address: string
): Promise<{ events: { pool: string | null; epoch: number }[]; currentEpoch: number } | null>;

Example using cml:

const address = Address.from_bech32(addressBech32);
const stakingCred = address.staking_cred();

let credential: Buffer;

if (stakingCred) {
credential = Buffer.from(stakingCred.to_bytes());

getCardanoAddressDelegation(dbConn, walletAddress);